Day3: Andrew was able to get most of the adhesive off the floor with the floor polisher. We had to scrap under the cabinets and corners where the polisher wouldn't reach. That evening the floor in bathroom #1 was down!!! Yea!!
Day 4: We are slow moving.... We tiled the wall behind the toilet and made a tile baseboard. The old white painted baseboards kept chipping the paint off of it. So the tile baseboard looks so much better!!! We also grouted the bathroom that day!!! :) :) I believe we started cutting the tile for the floor in the entryway. We didn't get far.
Day 5: Toilet is put back into bathroom and I like the way it looks now!!!! :) :)
Day 6: We finished cutting pieces for the entry way and got it all stuck to the floor. We started cutting tile for the kitchen.
Day7, 8 and 9: We cut tile for the floor in the kitchen and laundry room.
Day 9 was a long day. We put the thinset on the floor and set the tiles on it. It was all set and ready to grout!!!
Day 10: Andrew went back to work!!! Waaah!!! I still don't have my stove or fridge in the kitchen. We thought we would grout the floor this night. It didn't happen. We had to take a tile up and reset it. It wasn't level. This is how my floor looks currently.....
So hopefully we can get the majority of it grouted tonight. It has been a long week. We still have to tile the master bath. Andrew wants to put radiant heat under the tile. I am not sure I want to spend the money on that. I can't think of that now though. I told him to just finish what we have now and then we will decide the master bath.
Hopefully we will be finished sometimes this week. My laundry is starting to look like that ball of dirty laundry on that tv commercial. LOL